The Solihten Institute is headquartered in Denver, Colorado providing the link to a network of 40 professional counseling centers and 200 offices located across the United States. It began in Elkhart, Indiana in 1972 when a physician, two parish pastors, and a seminary professor observed that by working together, ministers, therapists and physicians were very effective in helping people with stress-related problems. This team approach became the foundation of the Samaritan program which moved to Denver in 1983.
Counseling Centers accredited by Solihten offer professional counseling, preventive education programs and consultation services.
Accreditation by the Solihten Institute is a requirement for each Center affiliated with the Samaritan Ministry. The goal of the process is to help ensure that affiliated Center maintain:
On a four year cycle, Centers prepare and extensive self-study, undergo a two day on-site review by an Institute member or appointed Center director, and receive a written report on the findings. The careful review and accountability process of accreditation is identified by the Center leaders as one of the most helpful aspects of Solihten Institute affiliation.